If you want to install a bluebird house on your personal property, the suggested donation for MCA members is only $10 for box houses and $15 for Peterson style ($15 & $20 for non-members). All proceeds go to McHenry County Audubon. Note that bluebirds will stake out houses in the fall and will roost in them in the winter, so fall is the best time to add or replace bluebird houses.

A box bluebird house.

A Peterson style bluebird house.

Bird houses may be picked up at meetings or delivered locally by one of our members.​ Mounting hardware and installation advice is also available.
​If you monitor a public bluebird trail, be aware that McHenry County Audubon provides high quality houses for free. We can even help install or replace houses as needed. If you are considering expanding your trail or have houses that are in bad shape, contact us so we can help.